Climate Change Project
What is climate change and how is it different from global warming? Climate change is the change in temperature, humidity, or weather in a certain region. It can be any kind of fluctuation in these things, where as global warming is the international crisis of the earth heating.
Why should we care about climate change now when it has been happening naturally since the Earth began? Although climate change is a natural occurrence, now it is changing so rapidly that species don’t have enough time to adapt. Sea levels are rising, ice caps are melting, and so many more things that we have no time to fix.
How does your project demonstrate your understanding of climate change? For my project I studied plastic and how it affects the planet. Not only is it a polluter, but the process of mining for fossil fuels, or fracking, sends out so much carbon emissions that it also heats the planet. You can see my understanding in the website through all of the research and the infographic that was provided.
What was your largest area of growth during this project? This project not only taught me to make reusable bags, but it also taught me to take things into my own hands and work hard for what I need to get done. It taught me to take feedback and criticism and how to pick my battles. I had to make compromises about the size of the bag and the logo that we use, so that I could sew the bags, and make them look as nice as I wanted.
What was your greatest strength during this project? My greatest strength was probably my ability to iron the bags really well. I went from taking a whole class period to make one side to being able to make all of the sides of a bag in one day. This was really good for my group because we stopped wasting time and got to make our bags almost entirely during school hours.

What are the Biological Needs of Adolescence Info graphic
For this project, we studied the biological needs of adolescence. To portray this to the public, we decided to make info graphics. Mine was about eating disorders, specifically Anorexia Nervosa, and their effect on teenagers. This is an important thing for us to study especially because we are currently in our adolescence. Learning about how to cope with changes and what commonly affects us is a necessary topic of study that most people don't research.

While creating this info graphic, my biggest challenge was formatting the physical info graphic to properly represent my topic. I wanted the text and images to flow well, and no template seemed to show 'anorexia' or anything serious. I finally chose my template, and moved it around, changed colors, and it felt right.
If I were to do this same project again, I would give more emphasis to my numbers and my facts, percentages and graphs. I think that these things make the viewer feel like they are learning more, and they transfer into their memory better. While I did use scientific information, I think it could have been more of a main part of my info graphic.
I had great success with finding good sources, good information, and keeping my writing concise. I have always struggled keeping my writing to the point, but by using scholarly sources like the mayo clinic, I worked hard on not writing too much, and I feel like I did incredibly well. My final product was very credible and has more pictures than words, letting the pictures tell the story.