LINK Internship
LINK is an immersive 3 week real world experience in a career area of students choice required for Juniors at Animas. The internship takes place in the spring and consists of at least 90 hours of work experience for a student. Students choose a mentor to walk them through their area of expertise so they can then create a rigorous project based on their learning.
Giffords Law Center
Giffords Law Center is a non profit law center created by former congresswoman Gabby Giffords after her tragic accident in 2011. She was shot in the head by a mass shooter, and has made it her mission to end gun violence in the United States. The Law Center both sues gun lobbyists and organizations like the NRA, and works in policy to pass and change legislation around gun laws. Learn more at their website linked below.

My Internship:
During my internship, I worked closely with Giffords Managing Director Laura Cutilletta. I first learned about the policies Giffords has created around gun control and was tasked with data collection and analytics. This meant that I read 15-35 articles a day that had been published the same day or the day before about gun related issues. I then categorized them by the policy that they mentioned in a spreadsheet. This will go on to be used as research for the organization to use as they design policies and legislation they present.
I was also tasked with a secondary project for the Research Director at Giffords, Kelly Dane. She had me do a research project on suicide and firearms by state. I went to each states suicide resource page and searched for mention of the ties between successful suicide and firearms. I also went to the states suicide prevention plan to summarize what their plan, if they have any, is for firearm safety regarding suicide. This is all in the hopes of implementing similar plans as are in California to other states that need them.
I was able to meet with many different lawyers and coordinators from the organization including Gabby Giffords herself at a vigil held in San Francisco. The vigil was held in a park where we placed a vase of flowers for all victims of gun violence in California in the year 2020. 3449 to be exact. I attended a press conference regarding the display and a vigil with speakers that night.

Gabby Giffords and I at the San Francisco Vigil
My Data Analytics Project
LINK Reflection:
As I entered my link, I had no idea what to expect. Non profit policy law is not a commonly understood profession, and I had little to no understanding of what the job my mentor dedicated her life to even meant. Luckily, gun control is an area that I have a lot of passion towards. Through my deep passion for justice and reform, I began to fit in immediately. My mentor walked me through all of the positions within law that allow Giffords to exist. I spent the majority of my time researching gun control, reading daily articles, and categorizing them. As I was reading 15-35 articles a day, I learned a lot about time management, quick reading, and identifying key points. I also learned how to summarize in a brand new way that allowed for data collection. It was challenging to learn and adapt to any assignment the array of lawyers I worked with gave me, and this really gave me a view into the field and the day to day lifestyle. I left my link with a newfound passion and love for policy law. I now believe I want to attend law school and go on to work for policy reform from the legislative side instead of direct service. Through meeting the incredible people within the organization, I felt inspired. I felt a feeling of hope, hope that I didn't believe existed in such a dark issue in our society. I want to be part of the change, even when the odds feel bleak, and the work feels impossible. I now believe in the power of dedication and law.