Patterns Math Portfolio
Where do we see patterns, why do they matter, and how can we represent them?
Patterns are in everything, even if we don’t realize it. In the Fibonacci Patterns, you can see that there are patterns, in fact, the same pattern, in many things in nature. But it doesn’t stop there. Patterns are in everything from flowers to stock market. From mathematical formulas to art. Patterns are what humans and every other creature uses to establish routines, to make decisions, and to function in a society.
Patterns are something we rely on. We look for them in every math problem, and in everyday life, whether we are consciously thinking about it or not. They dictate a normal human life. If we understand and look for patterns, it can open up doors and make life easier. With our new knowledge of patterns, we can efficiently challenge ourselves and apply our learning not only to math, but to real world problems.
We represent patterns in any number of ways. In math, we represent them with equations, formulas, tables and many more. In the real world outside of the classroom, it’s less obvious. Mostly, patterns are shown in words. Sometimes, they aren’t represented at all.